вторник, 21 февраля 2017 г.

Are you ready to Firefly? Here are a few poses that I always do to prepare for this peak pose. The stretches focus a lot on the hamstrings and inner thighs, really opening up the hips as well. No. 1-4: 10-20 breaths / 1-2 mins or more No. 5-10: 6-10 breaths / 30-45s No. 11-12: Use blocks to help you lift, or if you're unable to completely ground your palms down. If you cannot hold that long, it's fine- the duration is just a gauge. Just do your best :) #foxyroxyyoga #practiceandalliscoming

Are you ready to Firefly? Here are a few poses that I always do to prepare for this peak pose. The stretches focus a lot on the hamstrings and inner thighs, really opening up the hips as well. No. 1-4: 10-20 breaths / 1-2 mins or more No. 5-10: 6-10 breaths / 30-45s No. 11-12: Use blocks to help you lift, or if you're unable to completely ground your palms down. If you cannot hold that long, it's fine- the duration is just a gauge. Just do your best :) #foxyroxyyoga #practiceandalliscoming

Original article and pictures take https://instagram.com site

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